


Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig- If there was a Ceremonial Magick 101 class, this would be the default textbook.

High Magick by Damian Echols- A great beginners guide to magick, particularly high magick. Damian has a great way of explaining things that’s easy to understand.

The New Encyclopedia of the Occult by John Michael Greer- A comprehensive and well-researched encyclopedia of all things occult. This is a must-have resource.

Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth by John Michael Greer- A good beginners guide to Druidry for those that feel called to a focus on nature and your connection to the Earth in your practice.

Six Ways: Approaches and Entries for Practical Magic by Aidan Wachter- The first in a trilogy of excellent books about witchery and shamanism.

Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick, and Manifestation by Mat Auryn- a great resource for learning to develop mental discipline and psychic/magickal abilities.

The Gallery of Magick Series by Damon Brand & Others- A series of (currently 22) books that break down aspects of magickal practice into bite sized chunks that are easy for new practitioners to learn and understand.


Foolish Fish

Join me as I show you the most beautiful and most helpful books the esoteric and occult industry is currently producing, from many publishers, large and small, and occasionally send you on white-rabbit chases through the world of esoteric spirituality, symbology, cosmology and other dark (and light!) secret areas of the human experience.”

Foolish Fish has some of the very best “magick for beginners” videos that I’ve found.

Damien Echols

Discussions and lessons in magick (with a focus on ceremonial magick) explained in an easily understandable way.

Ivy the Occultist

“My name is Ivy Corvus. I have been practicing various occult philosophies for over 15 years. I am primarily a chaos magician, but I am also a witch, a psychic, and a shamanic practitioner, with a history of ceremonial magick and Zen Buddhism.”


Good resource for beginners interested in witchcraft.

The African Witch Bitch

African Hoodo Practitioner that’s entertaining as hell.


Quaria by Josaphine McCarthy-

Taken from the website:

“Quareia is a practical western esoteric magical training course that is complete from total beginner to adept. It is aligned to no particular school or specific religious/mystical school of thought, and yet it looks at and works with some of the many different magical, religious, and mystical practices that have influenced magical thinking in the Near Eastern and western world since the early Bronze Age to present day. 

 What Quareia is not, is witchcraft, nor is it strictly ceremonial magic. Many different skill sets are explored within the course, and once the basics are learned in the Apprentice section, the student magician is encouraged to explore, experiment and ponder. The approach is often shamanic in its nature, with a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and self-honesty.”



Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe by Dean Radin, PhD- Dr. Radin is a parapsychologist that specializes in studying the occult through lab experiments utilizing the scientific method.

Monsters: An Investigator's Guide by John Michael Greer- an excellent examination of monsters from our folklore, myths, and legends that actually have a basis in reality. This is one of my favorites.

Journeys Out of the Body: A Classic Work on Out of Body Experiences, Far Journeys, The Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe- The astral projection GOAT. If you’re interested in astral projection and out of body experiences, this trilogy is the gold standard.



"I'm Dr. Justin Sledge and welcome to Esoterica: Where we explore the arcane in history, philosophy, and religion. This channel produces content relating to topics such as alchemy, magic, Kabbalah, mysticism, hermetic philosophy, theosophy, the occult and more using the best academic scholarship currently available.”

Astral Club

The Channel to learn everything about how to astral project, astral projection, remote viewing, OBE, the astral plane and out of the body experiences.”

Shawn Ryan Interviews:

Col. John Alexander

From the video description-” Col. John Alexander is a former Army Special Forces Commander with an impeccable career in leadership across multiple agencies and programs within the U.S. intelligence community. Alexander lead Special Forces teams as an Officer during the Vietnam War. He would later serve as the Chief of Human Technology at INSCOM and Army Inspector General. Alexander's work inspired and was heavily featured in the book and adapted film "Men Who Stare at Goats." He is widely credited with leading the way in researching non-lethal weapons and military applications of the paranormal.”

Joe McMoneagle

From the video description- “Joe McMoneagle is a former U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer and was among the first Remote Viewers to be recruited into the previously classified Stargate Project. Project Stargate was the United States' first organized research into psychic phenomena via the Defense Intelligence Agency and contractor SRI International.”



Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret by Dr. Stephen Greer- One of several books Dr. Greer has released detailing events, history, and evidence surrounding the UAP phenomenon.


Dr. Stephen Greer

Dr. Steven Greer is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. For over 30 years, Dr. Greer has provided briefings for senior government officials across the globe, conducted numerous media interviews, and delivered hundreds of lectures. He has also written five books and produced feature film documentaries that have been seen by hundreds of millions of people. Dr. Greer’s relentless efforts towards the disclosure of classified UFO/ET information have inspired millions of supporters around the world, who all participate in the CE5 initiative.”

The Sol Foundation

The Sol Foundation brings together experts from academia and government to address the philosophical, policy, and scientific problems raised by the likely presence on the Earth of UAP.”

Shawn Ryan Interviews:

Dr. Stephen Greer 1

In this episode, Dr. Greer lays out exactly how nearly a century of information and discovery of Extraterrestrial life and technology have been hidden from the public and shrouded under a veil of dark money and secrecy. Greer explains the inner-workings of a global government that goes beyond the world's most elite intelligence agencies and infiltrated the circles of pop culture icons like Marilyn Monroe and JFK.”

Dr. Stephen Greer 2

Dr. Steven Greer is back in episode #65 to discuss a wealth of ground-breaking science and discovery. First, he outlines new realizations around zero-point energy and how this supposed newfound technology is as old as time. Greer also covers how this technology has been hidden away from the public for decades by the military industrial complex and corporate interests. Why? Because it could change the balance of power globally. This episode uncovers who these corporate entities are and how YOU can get involved to secure an abundant future for you and your family.”

Eric Hecker

“Eric is former Navy and contractor for Raytheon, a major U.S. defense contractor. Eric's position as a firefighter and plumber for the South Pole facility gave him unrestricted access to the compound. During his stay, Eric observed highly advanced directed energy weapons and other technologies beyond what we previously thought possible. Eric has also testified to congress under oath and hopes to bring his experience to the public for the good of humanity.”