Down the Rabbit hole

Some of my earliest memories are of me having conversations with my imaginary friends. I guess I was around four or so, because my little sister hadn't been born yet. A child talking to their imaginary friend isn't exactly an abnormal experience, but in my case I actually heard them. They were one hundred percent real and not in my imagination. They would talk to me about many things, mostly just conversational, as you do with friends; but other times it was about who I was and the things that I would do when I got older. This happened daily, pretty much off and on all day, until I was about twelve. Who they are and why they were talking to me we'll discuss in detail later. Right now, we're going to talk a little bit about the how. 

Clairaudience is an amazing and, I think, rare gift. I say "I think" because I really don't know for sure how common clairaudience and similar abilities are. It's not the kind of thing most people who experience it openly speak about; the reasons for which I'm sure will quickly become apparent to you if you really think about the implications of what it means to be clairaudient. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines clairaudience as "the power or faculty of hearing something not present to the ear but regarded as having objective reality." In other words, when you're clairaudient you hear things in your head that are not you (your inner voice), and are not sounds that you're picking up through your ears. That's because clairaudience is a form of ESP, or extra-sensory perception. 

At this point you're probably staring at your screen with an arched eyebrow. Many are thinking "this guy is nuts" or "this is bullshit to get clicks." Now you can start to see why most people who have this or similar abilities don't advertise. When you do talk about it you're mostly seen as either being mentally ill or a charlatan. In point of fact, I was actually terrified that I was mentally ill, and I intentionally ignored my abilities for almost two decades out of fear. That's why I'm sharing my story and everything I've learned. I want to help others who may be experiencing similar things. I want them to know that they aren't crazy and that they aren't alone.

The following blog is about my life experiences and my journey into the larger world of the occult to find answers. I'm going to be talking about a lot of esoteric topics, and I'm going to do my best to explain these concepts as best as I can, but I'm far from an expert. I'm going to be as open and honest about these things as I can be, but I want to be clear that this is all through the lens of my personal perspective. Your mileage may vary, as the saying goes. 


Taking Back Power


Magickal Mystery tour